- C.H. “Buck” Stahl and Carlotta Stahl
1635 Woods Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Architect Pierre Koenig built the Stahl House (Case Study House No. 22) in the Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles in 1960. Koenig was a young independent architect whose primary materials were glass, steel, and concrete.

The original owners CH “Buck” Stahl and his wife Carlotta bought the land the house sits on in 1954. When building the house it was important for Stahl to have a clear view of 270 degrees in order to live with the landscape and outside world.

“My requirements were that the building be useful for living and working and more importantly, more definitely, be a space in which to install work of mine and of others. At first I thought the building large, but now I think it small; it didn’t hold much work after all. I spent a great deal of time placing the art and a great deal designing the renovation in accordance”.